Playa La Poza: con aguas color turquesa y arenas tipo conchilla es una playa perteneciente a la 'Comunidad Ecológica San Francisco de Asís' de Vallen
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EXCELENTE blog, el mejor que he visto. Felicitaciones por el trabajo.
BrothersoftEditor: What are logos and how can I consume them?
Logo's are bitmaps (.bmp) that you can 'flower' on levels in halflife (and mods like tfc, cs etc.). When you wash a logo, all other players playing in that steady can understand it. Not so fancy ago, only [url=http://www.progames.pl/download/file/106]zbot cs 1.6[/url] of 2 colors could be utilized (1 color + 1 transparat color), but recently, some well-versed people set out that also colored bitmaps could be used, though they had to meet unfluctuating requirements.
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